Professor of Political Science
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Faculty profile | Blog: I Cite
The Communist Horizon (2012)
Blog Theory: Feedback and Capture in the Circuits of Drive (2010)
Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies (2009)
Zizek's Politics (2006)
Publicity's Secret (2002)
Aliens in America (1998)
Solidarity of Strangers (1996)
ARC QE II Research
Centre for Critical
and Cultural Studies
University of
Faculty profile | Blog: The Digital Enclosure
Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched (2004)
iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the
Interactive Era (2007)
Ed Keller
Associate Professor,
designer, writer, musician and multimedia artist
Parsons The New School for Design
Faculty profile | Website

Ed Keller
Associate Professor,
designer, writer, musician and multimedia artist
Parsons The New School for Design
Faculty profile | Website

With Carla Leitao, Ed
co-founded AUM Studio [2003-present], an architecture and new media firm that
has produced residential projects in Europe, award winning competitions,
expanded cinema and locative media projects. AUM Studio’s work has been
exhibited and published internationally.
He has lectured internationally at conferences including Proto/E/Co/Logics
[2011], Designing Geopolitics [UCSD 2011], Humanity+@Parsons [2011],
Cyclonopedia [The New School 2011], Design and Existential Risk [Parsons
2010], Research Practice [Cal Poly Pomona 2009],Temporalism [Cornell 2007],
Ineffable [CCNY 2007], Action Cut Micro Cut [Columbia GSAPP 2007], and
Becoming Architect: XXI Century [La Sapienza, Rome 2005].
Ed has been an avid rockclimber for over 30 years.

Professor of Sociology, Women’s Studies,
and Intercultural Studies
Queens College,
The Graduate School, CUNY
Beyond Biopolitics: Essays in the Governance of Life and Death, with Craig Willse (eds.) (2011)
The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social (2007)
Autoaffection (2000)Feminist Thought (1995)
The End(s) of Ethnography (1992, revised 1998)

Associate Professor
Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
New York University
Protocol: How Control Exists After Decentralization (2004)
Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture (2006)
The Exploit: A Theory of Networks (with Eugene Thacker, 2007)
French Theory Today: An Introduction to Possible Futures, a set of 5 pamphlets documenting Galloway's seminar conducted in the fall of 2010
The Interface Effect (2012)
Faculty profile | Website
Protocol: How Control Exists After Decentralization (2004)
Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture (2006)
The Exploit: A Theory of Networks (with Eugene Thacker, 2007)
French Theory Today: An Introduction to Possible Futures, a set of 5 pamphlets documenting Galloway's seminar conducted in the fall of 2010
The Interface Effect (2012)
Faculty profile | Website
Melissa Gregg
Interaction & Experience Research
Senior Research Scientist and Researcher in Residence
at the University of California, Irvine
at the University of California, Irvine
Work’s Intimacy
(Polity, 2011)
The Affect Theory Reader (with Gregory J. Seigworth) (Duke UP, 2010)
Cultural Studies' Affective Voices (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006)
Blog: Home Cooked Theory![]() |
Credit: Becky Yee |
a.k.a. DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid
is a composer, multimedia artist and writer. His written work has appeared in The Village Voice, The Source, Artforum and The Wire amongst other publications. Miller's work as a media artist has appeared in a wide variety of contexts such as the Whitney Biennial; The Venice Biennial for Architecture (2000); the Ludwig Museum in Cologne, Germany; Kunsthalle, Vienna; The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and many other museums and galleries. Miller's first collection of essays, entitled Rhythm Science came out on MIT Press 2004. His book Sound Unbound, an anthology of writings on electronic music and digital media is a best selling title for MIT Press.
In 2011, Miller released a graphic design project exploring the impact of climate change on Antarctica through the prism of digital media and contemporary music compositions that explored the idea of "acoustic portraits" of Antarctica entitled The Book of Ice (Thames and Hudson/Mark Batty Publisher). The Book of Ice is includes an introduction by best selling author and quantum physicist Brian Greene, author, The Elegant Universe. The Book of Ice is a multi-media installation, a music composition for string quartet, and a book, and it has been included in the 2011 Gwangju Biennial, by Korean architect Seung H-Sang and Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei.
Faculty profile | Website